Franklin & Grand Isle County - Museum Directory

Block Schoolhouse, Grand Isle Historical Society

Please Note: We make every effort to ensure the information listed for open hours or events is accurate, but we recommend contacting the organization directly to confirm before making plans to visit.

Alburgh Historical Society

1 South Main Street, Alburgh, VT 05440
Mailing Address: PO Box 453, Alburgh, VT 05440
Contact: John Goodrich,

The Society’s museum is located in the Old Firehouse near the Town Offices and contains artifacts from Alburgh’s railroad, commerce, municipal, school and baseball past, as well other exhibits. Monthly business meetings are held from May-October on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm, typically at the Alburgh Public Library. Reprints (softcover) of the History of Alburgh, Vermont Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 by Allen Stratton are available for sale.

Hours and Admission: Summer- Tuesdays & Saturdays, 10am-2pm. Admission is free.

Bakersfield Historical Society

Museum in former St George's Catholic Church, 80 Bakersfield Rd, Bakersfield, VT
Mailing Address: PO Box 70, Bakersfield, VT 05441
Phone: (802) 827-3042
Contact: Alice Foote, Secretary,

Bakersfield has an extensive history as an academy town, Brigham Academy being the jewel in the crown. We have many photographs, cemetery lists, and Civil War documents.

Hours and Admission: July - August: Sunday 2:00 – 4:00 pm, or by appointment.

Berkshire Historical Society

First Congregational Church Museum, 367 Montgomery Road, East Berkshire, VT
Mailing Address: 2520 Richford Rd, Richford, VT 05476
Phone: (802) 848-3459
Contact: John Weld, President/Treasurer

The Berkshire Historical Society was organized in 1991 to collect and preserve the history and artifacts of the town of Berkshire, VT. 

Hours and Admission: Open by appointment.

Enosburgh Historical Society

Museum, 55 Railroad Street, Enosburg Falls, VT
Mailing Address: PO Box 98, Enosburg Falls, VT 05450
Phone: (802) 933-4394
Contact: Shirley Duso, President

Many of the collected items relate to the Dr. B. J. Kendall Company and other medicine-producing companies that operated in Enosburgh in the late 1800s. The museum has a fine World War I collection. The society has 300 feet of railroad track and a caboose with Enosburgh railroad memorabilia inside. Enosburgh is known for its farming, and the museum has a small farm collection. A log cabin is located on the park with period furnishings.

Hours and Admission: June - October: Saturday, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm, or by appointment. Free. Accessible to the disabled.

Fairfax Historical Society

Museum, 1181 Main Street, Fairfax
Mailing Address: PO Box 145, Fairfax, VT 05454
Phone: (802) 355-1220
Contact: Christa Driscoll, President

The building that houses the society's museum has a history of its own. Built in 1807, the original town hall, a one-room school, and the casket showroom for the Hayes-Rich Funeral Home is now home to artifacts of Fairfax's history. Artifacts include tools, clothing, photos, and much more.

Hours and Admission: 
Currently closed due to construction and renovations. 

Fairfield Historical Society

778 Hill Rd, Fairfield, VT
Mailing Address: 778 Hill Rd, Fairfield, VT 05455
Phone: (802) 309-3764
Contact: Torrey Crossman, President

Society re-established in 2021, hosts the home of President Chester A. Arthur, and is one of the largest dairy and maple producing towns in Franklin County.

Franklin Historical Society

Log Cabin Museum, Hanna Road, Franklin, VT
Phone: (802) 285-6523
Contact: Kim Gates, (802) 285-2220;

The society has a collection of locally made antique furniture and textiles displayed in a circa 1878 log cabin. New exhibits are mounted each season to highlight important segments of our community's cultural, economic, and social history. A small display space is also maintained in the town clerk's office in the Haston Library building. The society was founded in 1957 and published A History of Franklin in 1989. Significant repairs to the log cabin were begun in 2003 with financial support from the Preservation Trust of Vermont, the Freeman Foundation, and the Town of Franklin.

Hours and Admission: Community holidays and by appointment.

Georgia Historical Society

Brick Museum, Georgia Center; Gordon's Mill Ag Museum; Georgia Plain Georgia Library, US Rte 7 @ I-89 Exit 18
Mailing Address: PO Box 2072, Georgia, VT 05468
Contact: Don Vickers, President,

The society has two museum locations, and a library for photos and genealogy resources. The Brick School Museum exhibits life of people in Georgia at various times in history. The Gordon's Mill Agricultural Museum features tools and wagons used on earlier Georgia farms. The library has over 5,000 photos with captions, genealogical books, and local family genealogy sources.

Hours and Admission:
Brick School Museum (Ethan Allen Highway, Georgia Center):Saturday, 2:00 – 4:00 pm
Gordon's Mill Agricultural Museum (Georgia Plain): by appointment only
Georgia Library (US Route 7 @ I-89 Exit 18): Monday& Wednesday, Tuesday & Thursday, 3:00 Pm-8:00 pm; Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm; Saturday 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

Grand Isle Historical Society

Hyde Log Cabin & Corners Schoolhouse, 228/230 US Route 2, Grand Isle, VT
Mailing Address: PO Box 23, Grand Isle, VT 05458
Contact: Jean Prouty

The Hyde Log Cabin, c1784, is one of the oldest in New England, with furniture, clothing, and artifacts arranged as a home setting. There are two glass display cases containing small items and books. The District #4 School also known as Corner School was built in 1814 of squared-off (blocked) logs. The School contains exhibits related to the Town's history. Docents are in attendance to welcome visitors. There is also a barn with a collection of historic agricultural items.

Hours and Admission: Memorial Day - Columbus Day: Thursdays & Fridays: 11 am to 4 pm. Saturdays: 10 am to 4 pm. Accessible to the disabled. 

Highgate Historical Society

Museum, 3181 VT Route 78, Highgate Center, VT
Mailing Address: PO Box 222, Highgate Center, VT 05459
Phone: (802) 868-4619
Contact: Ben Nye, Curator

Hours and Admission: May - October: 1st & 3rd Sunday, 9:00 am - 2:00 pm, or by appointment.

Isle La Motte Historical Society

1840 Schoolhouse; 19th-century Blacksmith Shop; and 19th-century Log Cabin, Main Street and Quarry Road, Isle La Motte, VT
Mailing Address: PO Box 18, Isle La Motte, VT 05463
Phone: (401) 527-4790
Contact: Ann Germanoski

The society's local history museum is in an 1840 schoolhouse. Next to it is a 19th-century blacksmith shop, originally located in the center of town, and a 19th-century log cabin that was moved to the site and renovated. The museum contains many items of local interest including photographs, family records, Native American artifacts, blacksmith tools, and textiles. Isle La Motte is also home to the oldest fossilized reef in the world.

Hours and Admission: Museum, July and August: Saturday, 1:00 - 4:00 pm, or by appointment. Free. Accessible to the disabled.

Montgomery Historical Society

Pratt Hall, 2044 N. Main St, Montgomery Village, VT
Mailing Address: PO Box 47, Montgomery, VT 05470
Contact: Scott Perry, Chairman

The society is located in a former Episcopal church, the Town's first (built in 1835) which houses its small collection of items of local interest. Activities include historical exhibits, speakers, and concerts. Pratt Hall is renowned for its stained glass windows.

Hours and Admission: by appointment. Free. Accessible..

North Hero Historical Society

Museum, 3635 US Route 2, North Hero Village, North Hero, VT
Mailing Address: PO Box 175, North Hero, VT 05474
Phone: (802) 338-0308
Contact: Tracy L. Giroux, President

The society's museum, The Hookenspoon, is located in the center of North Hero Village, overlooking beautiful City Bay. It is a large three-story home built in 1890 that was originally used as a summer fishing camp. The museum contains rotating displays of North Hero artifacts that include ephemera, household, railroad, fishing, school, local government, and family items. Located outside is the newly renovated Dorwaldt Barn, which houses our collection of tools and farming implements.

Hours and Admission: July - Labor Day: Saturday, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm; Sunday, 1:00 - 4:00 pm or by appointment.

Richford Historical Society & Museum

Old Richford Fire House Museum, 20 Main Street, Richford, VT
Mailing Address: PO Box 463, Richford, VT 05476
Phone: (802) 848-9544
Contact: Marian Kittell, Secretary

Many early Richford newspapers are on microfilm at the Richford Library. Artifacts include photographs, documents, calendars, World War II posters, Richford advertising, and much more.

Hours and Admission: Saturdays 9:00 am to 1:00 pm from July 1 to October 7, or by appointment.

Saint Albans Museum

Museum, 9 Church Street, Saint Albans, VT
Mailing Address: PO Box 722, Saint Albans, VT 05478
Phone: (802) 527-7933
Contact: Simon Walter, Executive Director

The Museum has twelve rooms of displays, located in a three-story brick building (a former school house) constructed in 1861. The first two floors are dedicated to exhibits on a variety of local and regional topics, highlighting the unique role of St. Albans in the political, social, economic, and military history of Vermont. Of special interest are our displays on the Central Vermont Railroad and the St. Albas Raid, the northernmost action of the Civil War. The third floor contains the Robert G.
Bliss Memorial Hall, which is available for private functions and community events. The Research Room is open to members and the public by appointment.

Hours and Admission: Open May–October, Wednesday & Friday 11 AM–4 PM and Saturday 10 AM–2 PM. Free admission. SAM is fully accessible.

Sheldon Historical Society

200 Bridge St, Sheldon
Mailing Address: 1640 Main Street, Sheldon, VT 05483
Phone: (802) 933-4566
Contact: Harold Smith, Correspondent

Museum under renovation (at 200 Bridge St). We currently meet in the Sheldon Town Office on the 3rd Tuesday of each month from May to October. The Sheldon Historical Society was organized many years ago to preserve and display artifacts and literature on the history of the town. It recently acquired a property to renovate as a museum.

South Hero Historical Society

Bicentennial Museum, 317 US Rte 2, South Hero, VT
Mailing Address: PO Box 180, South Hero, VT 05486
Phone: (802) 355-7811
Contact: Teresa Robinson, President

The South Hero Historical Society was started in October of 2012. Our purpose has been to get people together who love talking about South Hero history. We have videoed over 42 programs whereby local townsfolk have presented on various topics around the history of our town. They are available on our website. Our town museum is located at 317 U.S Rt. 2 and has enjoyed new enthusiasm with many new exhibits and a new board since 2017.            

Hours & Admission: The museum is normally open Wednesdays and Saturdays from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm (just Wednesdays in the winter). We also do visits by appointment. Please email to let us know when you'd like to visit and we would be glad to meet you there. 

Swanton Historical Society

Railroad Depot Museum, 58 South River Street, Swanton VT
Mailing Address: PO Box 235, Swanton, VT 05488
Phone: (802) 868-3892
Contact: Jason Barney, President

Museum in historic, restored railroad depot. Batchelder photograph collection, Swanton Couriers 1870s - 1950s. Circa 1937 Toll House, Circa 1903 CV Caboose. Extensive photograph, document & artifact collection. Meeting room fully accessible.

Hours and Admission: May 1 - mid-October: Tuesday - Saturday, 11:00 am - 3:00 pm or by appointment.

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