Vermont Census Records 1900s

The United States Census Bureau website has scanned copies of the published results of the census from 1790 through 2010. For ease of access to the records for Vermont, excerpts for the state counts are available as pdf files below. Each decade includes the composite records for the state and a sample from an individual town.
Vermont in 1900 (PDF 3.6 MB) - Colchester in 1900
Vermont in 1910 (PDF 3.5 MB) - Peacham in 1910
Vermont in 1920 (PDF 2.9 MB) - Burlington in 1920
Vermont in 1930 (PDF 4.6 MB) - Barre in 1930
Vermont in 1940 (PDF 5.3 MB) - Vernon in 1940
Vermont in 1950 (PDF 7.0 MB)
Vermont in 1960 (PDF 2.5 MB)
Vermont in 1970 (PDF 3.9 MB)
Vermont in 1980 (PDF 4.9 MB)
Vermont in 1990 (PDF 3.8 MB)
Ideas for Census Record Lessons
Look at the census forms for Hubbardton in 1840 and Vernon in 1940. Compare the information the government collected in these two census counts. What do the changes in questions suggest about societal changes between 1840 and 1940?
Print the bar graphs and use the town census records to graph the changes in population over time. What events influenced the changes in population? How does your town graph compare to graphs from other towns?
Analyze Vermont's total population. In which decades did Vermont's total population decrease? What was happening in the United States in these decades that might have contributed to the decline in population? In which decade did Vermont's population grow by the greatest amount? What events contributed to this growth?