How to Weed Your Attic: Getting Rid of Junk without Destroying History
When someone dies or it’s time to move - or just clean out the attic, garage, or basement - what papers and other things should we save for the sake of history and what can we safely toss? After reading this clearly written book by a retired archivist and a retired museum curator, you can comfortably clean out your attic – or office, garage, basement, cupboards – with confidence that you’re not tossing out historically valuable (or invaluable) things, and that you will not ask your local museum to take things that really belong in a thrift store, junk yard, or recycle center. Local historical societies may find this helpful in establishing clear policies and language around acquisitions and donations.
You can borrow this book from the Vermont Historical Society's LLHSM Lending Library.
Dow, Elizabeth H. and Lucinda P. Cockrell. How to Weed Your Attic: Getting Rid of Junk without Destroying History. Rowman & Littlefield, 2018.