Genealogy Research Resources

Through genealogical research you can discover more about your family's history and also discover more about the history of Vermont. The Vermont Historical Society's Leahy Library is one of the research institutions that most researchers need to visit when doing Vermont genealogical research.
We are a non-circulating library open to the public four days a week and one Saturday a month. We have a strong collection of family and town histories from around New England, published vital records from Massachusetts and Connecticut, inventories of Vermont cemeteries, subscriptions to genealogical periodicals, and genealogical reference books. Other materials not necessarily genealogical in nature, such as Vermont manuscripts, maps and photographs may also be useful to the genealogical researcher.
We have transcribed some of our unique genealogical materials for online use. Many of our books, manuscripts and maps are listed in our online catalog. We are not the repository for Vermont's vital records, which can be accessed online (see below), or newspapers which are kept at the Vermont State Archives and Records Administration.
Vermont vital records are available through, a free database (1760-1954) and, a subscription database with Vermont records available free to Vermonters (1908-2008). For an explanation of Vermont's vital records system and information on how Vermonters can access these online records for free, visit the Vermont State Archives and Records Administration web page on this topic.